Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chapter Three~Releasing Attachments

Chapter Three

Releasing Attachments

Releasing-crying, laughing, breathing, yelling……
The simple fact is, is that we all ecompass our own perception of what this world is about and wjhat the world has been in the past and what its "supposed" to be like. From the day we are born we start forming attachments with our parents, family, relatives and friends. Even when we are in the womb we are forming familiarities with voices, sounds, vibrations and energies of those that are around us…just as we are forming our tastes-buds, our likes and dislikes by what our mothers are eating and ingesting. We are also imprinting their emotions and vibrations, their anger and their love. Some people call these connection cords or strings. There is the energy cords, the string theory, there are books and books and public and motivational speakers out there that talk about these cords and attachments even down to the years that it takes for them to dissipate on their own. People talk about how kissing someone on the lips can take about 3 years to fade away and sexual intercourse takes about 7 years. There are different healers, cultures, scientists and the sort that all agree on a certain time limit that most of these have an effect on the physical and spiritual body.

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