Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Time Is Running Out Ch. 7 Continue to Grow....

One of my teachers was a Tai Chi instructor and he was unsympathetic! One by one, he had each of us come after him to choke him and on the way towards him he would place his hands together to build his chi (life force energy) and as we got near him he would direct his hands at us and knock us on the ground. He continued to do this practice to every student there. Then, one of the Spiritual teachers there from Texas gets up and decides to test his chi level with him (this teacher was very intuitive and was able to move objects and communicate with the spirit world and I stayed with him and his wife during my summer school breaks to learn more). My teacher had put his hands around this man’s neck and was squeezing with all his might and I remember both of their faces were turning red and I remember someone had to stop them from killing each other! To me, that was an experience of ego and trying to be more powerful than someone else and show off. I can still remember feeling confused and embarrassed by the whole situation.
I also wonder if some spirits don’t like you to curse because for one, recently one of my friends that talks to spirits frequently tells me that they get nervous when I cuss. As a teenager, at the Spiritual Camp that I attended, one of the guys there was walking in front of the church cursing and this spirit like flew right out of those brick walls and knocked him right off his feet! We all immediately knew why! He saw the spirit fly right out of the stones on the church wall and knock him down. I spent a good three summers there at least and I was honored that they ...........

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Time Is Runninng out..Chapter 12 CEREMONIES FOR HEALING

Another ceremony that I have learned is the Blessing the Water ceremony. There are many, many, many, different ways to bless the water and I will share this simple, yet powerful one that each of you can practice and share with others. First of all, blessing the water each time before you drink will connect you with the water that is all around you and inside of you. You simply rub your hands together a bit to build up a little energy and then place your hands over your water for about five or ten seconds. You may wish to think love or balance, peace or health while blessing your water. If you are at home or alone, then you can say this out loud. The actual vibration of your voice saying that word will help to infuse the water with what you say. I want to share some facts about water in great detail for those of you who do not understand the importance, or maybe you can just learn some fun facts! (WATER the Next Great Resource Battle by Laurence Pringle)
“Water is the most important substance we consume. We are mostly water: A woman’s body is 55 to 65 percent water, a man’s 65 to 75 percent. Our blood is 83 percent water. Even our bones are 25 percent water. In our bodies, water makes food digestion possible. It carries hormones, nutrients, and disease-fighting cells to and from body organs. Water makes it possible for wastes to leave our bodies through urine, feces, skin, and lungs.
All this can be accomplished with about two and a half to three quarts of water a day. Take away this water and the chemical processes of life soon break down and stop.
We are conscious only of the water we use directly. Drinking and cooking account for two gallons a day. In the average American home, each person uses an additional eighty-five gallons daily: twenty-four for flushing toilets, thirty-two for bathing, dishwashing, and laundry, and twenty-five for such as gardens, lawns, car washing, and swimming pools.
The total-eighty-seven gallons a day for each person-is an estimate. Other assessments put the average consumption in America much higher, up to 175 gallons a day.
Scarcity of water has long been a fact of life for westerners. It has resulted in water laws that are different from those in the East, and in the building of huge dams and other projects for storing and moving water. Conditions in the arid West are dramatically different from those in water-rich areas. Yet both Nevada (with nine inches of rain annually) and New Jersey (with forty-five inches) face water supply problems.
Water-rich or water-poor, people all over the United States can no longer take dependable supplies of clean water for granted”.
Each time that you practice this Blessing Water Ceremony, you are also Blessing and aligning yourself. This can be practiced in a body of water outside, in the shower, in the bath, or with a bowl of water in front of you. First, you take three to five deep breaths and cleanse your energy and relax the mind. Next, face your right palm upwards and say, this left hand represents the grandmother water spirits. Then, face your right palm up and say this right hand represents the grandfather water spirits. After you say both out loud, scoop up a handful of water and say I now thank and bless the grandmother and grandfather water spirits and connect you both together in peace and balance. If you would like to add a special blessing for yourself, then scoop a second cup of water in your palms and ask for special blessings from the grandmother and grandfather water spirits of life. When you are finished make sure that you give thanks to the water and the ceremony and for all things in your day that you had to give thanks for.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Time Is Running Out FINISHED!!!

Hello Everyone! Namah Shivaya Beloved, Nawa,

I have now completed my book and am working on preorders for my book now!!! Please email me if you are interested in a pre-purchase. The cost of my first book, "Time Is Running Out" is $22.00. Pre-orders will be $22 even and mailed to the address that I will send you after you email.

The publishing process takes about 3 months and I will add your name to my pre-order list and you will recieve a signed copy, hopefully at a book-signing somewhere in your city!!! My email address is

Please let me know how many copies you would like to order. Also, if you are interested in doing a book signing in your area that has a venue for me to do a public speaking on one of my chapters for a couple of hours, or even the entire day. I offer workshops for Universities, groups, or healing Centers. I enjoy speaking, teaching, sharing as well as guided meditations, teaching Reiki, sharing Deekshas/Oneness Blessings, Bodywork, Breathwork, and my favorite, tool sharing for spirit traveling and healing with rattles, drums, chanting and singing native american prayer songs and healing songs. 

Email me if you have any other comments or questions.
Thank you to those of you who have already purchased copies of my book.

Books are $21.95 on, and also available on amazon and kindle.

Thank you for all of your love and support,

Crystal Gingras, Turtle Woman

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