Sunday, July 10, 2011


Chapter One

₪ Messages from Mother Earth

“Here is my story from my heart to your heart, from my spirit to your spirit”.
~ Crystal Gingras ~

I attended a vision quest ceremony in 2009, where I fasted for three days without food and water and slept as little as possible ( we are supposed to stay awake the entire time). My purpose to pray for a vision was to see what I needed to elaborate on in mu life, in the future. This was not the first time that I had practiced this kind of ceremony. I had completed my first vision quest about five years before.

My first vision quest lasted for one night and I was called back in the morning after sunrise. Before I went to be alone with the earth that night to pray, everyone who was present in the seven days of ceremonies cleansed off in the sacred lodge with the stone people and the water for cleansing.

Upon my return of the ceremony through the night, I went back inside of the lodge to cleanse again, and share my vision of I wanted with the elder who was conducting the ceremony. I had decided earlier that day to sit on a tree that had fallen over near a stream of water..........

We co-exist as one on this beautiful, planet earth, I know as our Mother Earth. She is plentiful, beautiful, and absolutely gentle and compassionate. In spite of that, we do not see her or treat her with the respect that she absolutely, undesirably deserves and needs now more than ever. The earth is pleading for us to pay attention to her, like a mother demanding her presence to be known to nurture her innocent children. She is patiently asking us in the upmost respect to listen and she will guide us on our journey here that we know as earth. I feel that it is imperitive that we start to listen to her now and begin seeking all that she has to share.

Humanity has poisoned the fluids (water and oil) in her body, we have ripped her veins (trees) into shreds over and over again and we trample on her and drench her with chemicals every day and we continue without hesitation. Many people keep wanting and needing more, yet many are so lost and feel so alone. There are many children and adults who are depressed and suicidal. The death, abuse, addictions and disease tolls are increasing each year including our babies and small children. There are many children, men and women on medications with life- long addictions and illnesses. I visited Pine Ridge, South Dakota a few years ago, and heard some of the elders talk about all of the killings through chemicals in the water and the land. I saw the flesh eating rot that was on a woman’s body before she healed herself with her plants in the garden. I went there to help build natural housing and assist with permaculture, which is all natural gardening and farming of the land. I went to a house to ask a family there if they were interested in natural housing, like earth ship homes from dirt and recycled tires and the children ran inside scared saying there was a white person there. I cried when I heard the story of how they have been trained in school for many years to run and hide because they have been massacred for so many years, even in my time

In 2008 I was traveling and heard about an Indian reservation where they shut off the electricity in severe cold weather even when there were children and elderly in wheelchairs in the homes. I witnessed the mold and torn in ceilings of the trailers that are on the reservations. The water is not safe to drink, even on my reservation where I am currently living in Pawnee, OK to assist with the community garden. The tap water is not safe to drink here and everyone knows it.
On a lot of reservations that I have visited over the years, there is a very high rate of suicide in teenagers and the drug and alcohol rates are very extreme. I had heard about Pine Ridge, SD being like a third world country and I do not believe that is an exaggeration. There are many churches and groups who may go assist there for a week or two, but what many of them need are permanent people and businesses that can help to make a real difference. The job rates are low on some reservations and in Pine Ridge, there is hardly any fresh produce and it is difficult to grow crops as the grasshoppers will eat the food as soon as it grows. You can drive through the reservation and see all of the dead trees, empty land and no grocery stores or health and rehab centers. They do have a new school and nearby there are huge painted signs to stay off of drugs.

Seeing all of these families and children living without electricity, no running water in the house, healthy foods, outside bathrooms, made me wonder where are all of our leaders? What are they doing and why can’t they help these children? Why do I see thousands of people traveling to other countries and we need just hundreds to help in places in this country? I believe in helping out other countries as we are all important, but why are the children of this country not on the news and receiving more assistance? This book and the profits of this book are for the children of mother earth starting with all of those left behind and forgotten.

Mother Earth says … you are not alone. I am here, right under your every step, right here every time you walk, drive, ride your bike, I am beneath you holding you up; I am carefully watching over you no matter what you do or say to me, because I love you unconditionally. I am the Earth Mother, I am your Mother and each and every one of you is my children. You are forgiven every day that you walk this Earth because I am here to cleanse you and wipe your tears and feed you food from my womb and give you water from my streams, from my very veins that run through and all over my body. You are never alone for I am always here. “Your brothers and sisters are the trees, you carry the same DNA. Just because you don’t look alike or move alike doesn’t mean you are not related. Your brothers and sisters are here to help to carry your spirit, to give you medicine when you are sick, to give your breath when you can’t breathe and help you when you feel like you can’t do it alone. Our time is running out, you can only help yourself and you have everything you need right where you are. You have the Earth right under your feet and you have the sky right above you and the waters all around you. You don’t have to give up; this is not a demand but a choice that you have to make. It is all up to you.

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Author BIO~Crystal Gingras, Chapette Hetas

Mother Earth

You are there for each of us, as you always have been and always will. You are as certain as the stars in the sky. You are the pounding in my heart and the waves of everlasting emotions that fill me and filter me and ground me to my core. You are my inner strength, my inner wisdom, my life. From you, from ground, from earth, from the womb of my beautiful mother, thank you.
Crystal Gingras

Journal Date: November 2007 Location: Guatemala


Crystal Gingras, (Pawnee name is Chapette Hetas which translates to Turtle Woman) started attending Ceremonies with her mother around the age of five years old. She started doing aura readings for people by seeing the colors and blocks in people’s energy field at the age of eight. Crystal also went to homes with her mother where people had spirits stuck in this earth plane and needed assistance crossing over into the spirit plane. Crystal continues to travel to do this work to this day when called upon.

Crystal’s background includes but is not limited to: professional intuitive artist, intuitive healer and body worker, soul healer, Usui Reiki Master instructor and Karuna Reiki practitioner. At the age of twenty one, she started traveling to several workshops with different tribal and non-tribal teachers. Some of her travels included, Mexico, Guatemala, Egypt, New Mexico, South Dakota, Arizona, California, and she worked with many elders that were Mayan, Azteca, Lakota Souix, Peruvian, South American, and from Tibet. She has traveled to see Amma from India as well as the Dalai Lama from Tibet. Crystal believes that guides, angels and helpers are the ones who do all of the work through us. Crystal was born in Wichita, KS May 18, 1980 when Mt. St. Helens erupted and is named after the healing crystals that are formed and live inside of the Mother Earth. Her Pawnee tribal name, Turtle Woman (Chapette Hetas) is named after the Mother Earth, since we call her Turtle Island.
Crystal’s passion and purpose in life is to assist others in fulfilling their destiny and coming into their own power to walk their own truth path. The truth path is the purpose of the soul’s journey here on Mother Earth.
Drumming with some of the members
of the 13 Grandmothers in Washington D.C. 2010.

Order Here TIME IS RUNNING OUT by Crystal D. Gingras

Thursday, July 7, 2011

PAWNEE DANCERS painting by Crystal Gingras

picture is called Pawnee Dancers. I painted this from one of my grandpas paintings that is on the wall of every Shunatona I know in my family. I loved the colors and I matched them as well as I could. I am selling my prints for $20 each.  All prints are personally signed by me.

If you want a signed copy of Time Is Running Out, I can send you paypay request for however many books you would like.

Love, Light and much Gratitude from my heart to all of yours,

Crystal Gingras
Pawnee Dancers by Crystal Gingras
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